
Move Towards an AI-Forward, Autonomous Finance Future

| 1 hour

Some 64% of finance chiefs believe the future autonomous state will be reality within the next six years, but less than 21% use machine learning, prescriptive analytics, natural language processing and blockchain. Failure to adopt these technologies delays your organization’s ability to move information swiftly with little to no human intervention, and exposes your business to shocks such as inflation, global conflicts and pandemics. This complimentary finance webinar looks at what it really means to be an AI-forward finance organization. You will discover the latest Gartner research that reveals what leading finance organizations do to move towards becoming an autonomous finance function of the future. 

  • Discover what being an AI-forward finance organization really means

  • Explore AI-forward finance organization concepts

  • Find out what leading finance organizations do to be more autonomous

Return to this web page to watch this Webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this Webinar.

Hosted by

Mark D. McDonald

Sr Director Analyst

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