Information Technology

Leverage AI to Boost Decision Intelligence for Better Business Outcomes

| 1 hour

Effective decision making keeps getting more difficult. In a recent Gartner survey, 65% of respondents said the decisions they make are more complex than just two years ago, and 53% said they face more pressure to explain or justify their decisions. Your organization must bring together an array of increasingly complex techniques to make ever-faster decisions that leverage a maelstrom of data in ecosystems that are in constant motion. To improve the outcome of your decision models and accommodate uncertainty factors, organizations combine artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for maximum flexibility and business differentiation. Decision intelligence promotes the sustainability of cross-organizational decisions by building models that use principles aimed at enhancing their traceability, replicability, relevance and trustworthiness. This complimentary webinar will help you instill better decision intelligence so your organization can make more impactful data-driven decisions.

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Discussion Topics:
  • Learn the elements that increase the complexity of decision ecosystems
  • Explore how decision techniques are combined to address complex decisions
  • Discover how decision modeling addresses the new decision-making challenges

Hosted by

Pieter den Hamer

Sr Director Analyst

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