Legal and Compliance

Improve Corporate Compliance With 2023 Department of Justice Guidance

| 1 hour

The Department of Justice (DOJ) released updated 2023 guidance on common topics and questions it may ask in assessing the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs, and helps clarify the September 2022 Monaco Memo. This is the latest major update for federal prosecutors to use for assessing the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs in connection with corporate criminal conduct. It provides guidance for charging decisions, sentencing recommendations, and determining subsequent requirements for corporate resolutions. This update is framed around program design, resourcing, and efficacy, and sets the minimum standard for legal and compliance leaders developing compliance and ethics programs. Join this complimentary webinar, where a panel of Gartner experts will share insight to help compliance leaders understand and incorporate the U.S. DOJ’s newly amended guidance to improve their corporate compliance programs’ effectiveness.

  • Identify opportunities to mature your compliance and ethics program

  • Benchmark program effectiveness against peers

  • Develop a business case for increasing program effectiveness

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Alissa Lugo

Sr Director Analyst

Lauren Kornutick

Director Analyst


Nicholas Sworek

Sr Principal, Advisory

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