
Gartner Workshop: Create a Robust AI Strategy – From Plan to Action

| 1 hour

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will make or break industries and companies over the next decade. Executive leaders should develop a formal AI strategy document that can help identify use cases, quantify benefits and risks, align business and technology teams, and change organizational competencies to support AI. Join this complimentary AI webinar where leaders will learn the foundational elements of an AI strategy and craft a strategy document to harness its potential.

  • Discover the key elements of a robust AI strategy

  • Create an AI strategy that is all encompassing and future proof

  • Translate the strategy into cohesive execution

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Whit Andrews

Distinguished VP Analyst


Arun Chandrasekaran

Distinguished VP Analyst

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