All Leadership

Attract and Retain Top Talent With a Compelling Employee Value Proposition

| 1 hour

Organizations need a compelling employee value proposition (EVP) to compete for top talent. However, simply defining an EVP is not enough. The most progressive organizations focus 80 percent of their efforts on delivering their EVP promises. Leaders must understand what drives today’s employees to quit their jobs so they can build effective talent plans. Join this complimentary webinar to learn how to activate your EVP across candidate/employee life cycles to attract and retain top talent in a competitive and rapidly changing market.

  • Choose the core Employee Value Proposition (EVP) attributes that most appeal to talent

  • Define and communicate a compelling EVP to attract and retain top talent

  • Differentiate your EVP for key employee segments

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Lily Mok

VP Analyst

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