Marketing and Communications

2023 Martech Trends: Increase Your Stack's ROI as GenAI Enthusiasm Rises

| 1 hour

Sinking marketing technology utilization is a perfect storm for chief marketing officers (CMOs), pitting their appetites for a compelling, digitally enabled customer experience against adoption, governance, and fiscal challenges. Join this free marketing webinar where Gartner expert Benjamin Bloom shares the Gartner 2023 Marketing Technology survey results which shares insight on how CMOs can navigate the turbulent martech currents before the hype of generative AI. 

  • Increase your martech stack’s business impact

  • Re-balance your relationship with IT to build adaptable and effective martech capabilities

  • Key insights into marketing technology adoption barriers that could undermine the promise of generative AI

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Benjamin Bloom

VP Analyst

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