Customer Service and Support

Break Down Channel Silos for a Better Customer Service Experience

| 1 hour

For most service and support organizations, customer experience (CX) is challenged by vertical channel silos that create difficult-to-break barriers. Service organizations typically want customers to begin their journeys via digital channels, but whether by design or because customers are unable to resolve issues on their own, not all journeys can be wholly contained within self-service. When a service organization builds paths to resolution through digital channels that are independent of assisted-service channels, it may result in a disconnected, high-effort customer service experience. Therefore, leaders responsible for improving the customer experience must take a collaborative approach that brings digital, IVR, and assisted teams together to create seamless customer journeys. Join this complimentary customer service webinar and unlock the true potential of a seamless service channel journey. 


  • Analyze the impact of a siloed channel strategy on cost and CX outcomes  

  • Identify the critical strategic elements to build a seamless service channel journey

  • Understand the benefits of creating a connect customer journey

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Kathy Ross

Sr Director Analyst


Brady Holbrook

Director, Advisory

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