Audit and Risk

The Top 3 Priorities for Enterprise Risk Management Leaders in 2024 (APAC)

| 1 hour

Consumers, investors and policymakers’ concerns about the unprecedented and volatile market, technological and societal forces fuel continued uncertainty. In response to this complex macroeconomic and societal climate, 64% of boards expect to increase their risk appetite through 2024. In such circumstances, organisations must have objective and consistent risk information to ensure balanced risk-taking. This free webinar for the Asia-Pacific region will look at three priorities that heads of enterprise risk management (ERM) need to shape risk-informed decision making by provoking more stakeholder participation, synthesising risk data and analyses from other functions, and increasing the depth of analysis.

  • Increase the quality and executive confidence of your risk assessment process

  • Determine your best context-appropriate approaches in strategy execution for ERM involvement

  • Enhance the management of generative AI risk-opportunity tradeoffs for stakeholders

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Elliott Long

Sr Principal, Advisory

Matt Hoyles

Sr Principal, Advisory

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