Customer Service and Support

The Gartner 2024 Leadership Vision for Customer Service and Support

| 1 hour

Customer service and support leaders have an opportunity to shift the focus of their organization from resolving issues to driving value. Service organizations have deep insight in the holistic customer journey, and as products further incorporate service into their design, service leaders can leverage their customer understanding to play a new role in shaping enterprise customer strategy. With evolving trends, such as automation and AI impacting how service is provided, self-service opportunities will broaden, and assisted service can become centered around value-added opportunities. Join this free customer service webinar where Gartner experts Brady Holbrook and Jonathan Schmidt explore how you can build a new vision for your organization in 2024 and act on the most critical priorities of today.

  • Learn how to remove value-eroding issues and contacts from your business

  • Understand how to redistribute more volume, including complex activities to self-service

  • Leverage data to deliver value to your customers and business

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Brady Holbrook

Director, Advisory


Jonathan Schmidt

Sr Principal, Analyst

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