All Leadership

Get the Talent You Need With Data-Driven Skills Planning and Management

| 1 hour

Skills lie at the heart of workforce and talent discussions, as they form the vital link between individuals, their experiences, and enterprise capabilities. Yet, many organizations lack a clear understanding of the critical skills they need or the skills their workforce already possesses. You need to clearly identify the skills you need and develop the talent required to set your organization on a path to success. Join this free webinar as a panel of Gartner experts delves into the power of a data-driven approach to skills planning and management, and how you can identify the skills your organization needs and how to get them.    


  • Determine skills that matter to the enterprise now and in the future

  • Collect data on the skills held by your workforce and their proficiency levels  

  • Build analytics and skills management capabilities for talent strategy development and execution

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Lily Mok

VP Analyst


Chantal Steen

Sr Director, Advisory

Scott Lever

Sr Expert Partner

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