Information Technology

The 2024 Gartner Predictions: Healthcare & Life Science Risks and Opportunities

| 1 hour

The healthcare and life science industries continue to evolve rapidly. CIOs, IT leaders, and business teams continue to invest in customer experience (CX), seek out ways to generate revenue, and aim to improve operating margins. Meanwhile, pressures continue to loom, creating uncertainty and a need to change. Healthcare and life science leaders need insight to determine what actions to take to solve their most pressing business problems and exploit new areas of opportunity. Join this free webinar to explore the Gartner healthcare and life science predictions for 2024 and how you can use these predictions to exceed expectations and identify new ways to deliver value. 

  • How investing in employee experience can help improve CX and more

  • Understand future risks and critical areas of opportunity  

  • Learn how to demonstrate the potential value of a new realm of opportunity

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Faith Adams

Sr Director Analyst

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