
The Gartner 2024 Leadership Vision for Chief Sales Officers

UPCOMING January 23, 2024
| 12:00 a.m. HKT | 1 hour

Nearly 75% of B2B buyers say they prefer a representative-free sales experience, but this rep-free preference often leads to purchase regret. Continued economic uncertainty, increasing B2B buying complexity, and AI’s rapid impact on the sales function demand a unified commercial strategy to address the buyer's needs. The Gartner Leadership Vision for CSOs will help sales leaders navigate three critical questions when making decisions and driving market-leading growth in 2024 and beyond: How should I collaborate with the C-suite to impact business results? How should I position AI to improve seller productivity? How should I adjust the seller's talent profile to improve impact? This complimentary sales webinar explores the trends transforming sales, the problems aggravating the status quo, and the key actions the most progressive chief sales officers and their teams must take to stay ahead of the competition.

  • Identify the 3 key areas for focused for sales alignment with the C-suite

  • Treat technology as teammate instead of a tool

  • Tactically position sellers to influence how B2B buyers feel about their purchases

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Robert Blaisdell

Sr Director Analyst

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