All Leadership

Generative AI Realities: Measuring and Quantifying Business Results

UPCOMING January 11, 2024
| 11:00 p.m. HKT | 1 hour

More than 80% of Gartner clients are investing in AI or generative AI (GenAI) in some capacity. Most organizations have moved beyond asking what it is to instead find out how to strategically approach, execute, protect, and govern GenAI. However, only some organizations have determined the best ways to measure and quantify these initiatives or consistently track them to demonstrate shareholder value. Join this complimentary AI webinar as Gartner expert Fran Karamouzis takes you through different categories of generative AI, the cost side of the equation, the value measurements, and real-life examples of organizations that have taken action and funded initiative, so your organization can determine your best path forward. 

  • Identify the realities of actioned investments of GenAI vs. the hype 

  • Explore approaches to estimate costs and connect to value propositions

  • Determine the framework for identifying, vetting and funding AI and generative AI initiatives

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Frances Karamouzis

Distinguished VP Analyst

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