
Conference Updates

Las Vegas, Nev., December 6, 2023

Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference 2023 Las Vegas: Day 2 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference, taking place this week in Las Vegas, Nevada. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference. You can read the highlights from Day 1 here.

On Day 2 from the conference, we are highlighting how to improve cloud resilience, how to make teams care about security and how to deliver generative AI. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

9 Principles for Improving Cloud Resilience

Presented by Hassan Ennaciri, Sr Director Analyst, Gartner

Cloud failures often do not resemble traditional data center failures. In this session, Hassan Ennaciri, Sr Director Analyst at Gartner, discussed the need for infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders to change their team's approach to resilience and shared 9 practices to improve cloud resilience.

Key Takeaways

  • “Resilient applications must be both reliable and recoverable. However, the determination of how reliable and recoverable they should be should not be left to IT alone. It should be a business decision based on the needs of product owners and financial capabilities of business leaders.”

  • “A risk-based approach requires a collective understanding of the risks linked to cloud failures among teams, to determine where to allocate time, effort, and resources in order to enhance resilience.”

  • “Avoid added complexity and cost by taking advantage of the cloud provider’s native resilience capabilities, which can be used for both cloud-native and non-cloud-native applications.”

  • The 9 principles for improving cloud resilience are:

  1. Business Alignment

  2. Balanced risk-based approach

  3. Dependency mapping

  4. Continuous availability

  5. Resilient by design patterns

  6. DR automation

  7. Favoring cloud-native solutions

  8. Establishing resilience standards

  9. Business function focus

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How to Make Your Teams Care About Security

Presented by Deepti Gopal, Director Analyst, Gartner

Organizations aspire to change employee behavior and reduce risk. However, these aspirations are not realized. In this session, Deepti Gopal, Director Analyst at Gartner, shared three keys to help make teams care about security.

Key Takeaways

  • “When we feel responsible, our behavior changes. Organizations tend to address this through cultural and behavioral change programs. But, for those organizations who are committed to taking all reasonable steps to reduce the number of human-born cybersecurity incidents, these efforts and investments will prove their worth in time.” 

  • “Share a meaningful I&O vision with your team and organization - show how your priorities connect to the businesses' focus.”

  • “There are only two cybersecurity risks that actually matter to your business - any cyber event that leads to a disruption to operations or a data breach.”

  • “Ensure that the speed to market does not compromise delivery quality.” 

  • “For people to behave in a security-conscious way, remove the friction.”

The Future of Cloud in 2028: From Technology to Business Necessity

Presented by Dennis Smith, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

In 2028, cloud computing will not just be needed for competitiveness but for business survival. In this session, Dennis Smith, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, shared some key predictions on the implications of multicloud, industry clouds and sovereign cloud deployments to help infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders navigate the evolving cloud computing landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • “Cloud computing continues to evolve, progressing from being just a technology disruptor, to where, in 2028, it will be a necessity.”

  • “By 2028, more than 50% of enterprises will not get value from their multicloud implementations”

  • “By 2028, cloud-native platforms will serve as the foundation for more than 95% of new digital initiatives — up from less than 50% in 2023.”

  • “By 2028, modernization efforts will culminate in 70% of workloads running in a cloud environment, up from 25% in 2023.”

  • “By 2028, more than 50% of enterprises will use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives.”

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