2023 Women in Supply Chain Survey: Key Findings

Benchmark representation of women in your supply chain organization.

The representation of women in supply chain management has reached a historic high, according to the 2023 Women in Supply Chain Survey from Gartner and AWESOME.

However, there is still work to be done to ensure equal opportunities. CSCOs must remain committed to gender diversity and prioritize goal-setting, leadership inclusion and compensation to effectively address challenges faced by women.

Download the Women in Supply Chain 2023 Survey Report to get insights into:

  • Trends and statistics of women in supply chain management roles
  • Strategies to attract, develop, engage and retain women in supply chain
  • Top drivers of attrition among mid-career women in the supply chain

Download the 2023 Women in Supply Chain Survey Report

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    About the Gartner-AWESOME Women in
    Supply Chain 2023 Survey

    The Gartner-AWESOME Women in Supply Chain 2023 Survey asked 225 supply chain leaders, primarily in North America, about their organization’s targets and initiatives to recruit, develop, engage and retain women. We also partnered with boom! on this 8th annual study, which ran from 14 February 2023 through 17 March 2023.

    How Gartner helps supply chain leaders increase representation of women in supply chain

    It’s becoming increasingly apparent to many organizations that talking about increasing representation of women in supply chain is not enough — prioritizing and leading initiatives to show gender diversity results is critical.

    Successfully recruiting women for supply chain positions, advancing them into leadership roles, and retaining women in supply chain must be key parts of an organization’s overall supply chain strategy.

    Gartner supports supply chain leaders on implementing an effective talent strategy: We know the essential supply chain skills for effective and efficient operations today and offer the insights, advice, data and tools you need to build and invest where the largest supply chain skills gaps exist.