Author Profile

Eric O'Daffer

Eric O'Daffer

VP Analyst

13 years at Gartner,  1 year experience

Location:  WA USA  |  Language(s):  English

Roles and Responsibilities

"Eric O'Daffer is a Research Vice President in the Organizational Development and Healthcare, Life Sciences team. Eric advises client on the end-to value chain, starting at the point of care and looking back. He focuses most of his time with providers and how they best manage all the components of supply chain. This involves both their internal processes as well as best practices for partnering with their suppliers and service providers to optimize the clinical effectiveness of their products and the best delivered cost possible. Increasingly, Eric's research focuses on the interdependency of providers with their supply partners. Manufacturers and distributors play a vital role as well in taking costs out of supply chain in healthcare and improving quality of care. Eric's main focus is helping pull all this together with and for companies with a broader view than simply cost."


Previous Experience

Mr. O'Daffer's previous roles have all focused on aspects of the healthcare supply chain, from early-stage product development at OneAccord to optimizing the physician practice supply chain at Esurg to managing large IDN relationships and all customer-facing personnel, including early-phase value analysis consultants at a division of Cardinal.

Professional Background

  • Cardinal Health/Allegiance/Baxter/Encompass Group, Vice President of Sales, 10 years
  • Esurg Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, 7 years
  • OneAccord, Partner, 2 years


  • B.A., English Literature, University of Illinois
  • M.B.A., Management and Strategy Focus, Northwestern Kellogg Graduate School of Business

Industry Awards/Accolades

  • Esurg awarded 2006 Amerinet Group Purchasing Best Small Distributor Award.
  • Esurg awarded 2006 NCI Healthcare Supply Chain (now IDN Summit) Innovative Company of the Year.
