Benchmark Your Supply Chain with Gartner Supply Chain Benchmarking

Our supply chain benchmarking measures supply chain excellence

Drive future supply chain management through benchmarking

76% of supply chain executives say the number of disruptive changes to supply chain management has increased compared to three years ago.

Our supply chain organization clients survive and thrive amid disruption using Gartner’s supply chain maturity model, grounded in supply chain management best practices. Supply chain executives assess their team’s current capabilities against the definition of supply chain maturity and plan future supply chain management strategy.

Download the supply chain benchmarking report to learn:

  • The definition of supply chain maturity
  • How to benchmark your supply chain maturity
  • The role of maturity models in strategic planning and the benchmarking process

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    The Value of Benchmarking in Supply Chain Management

    How do your supply chain operations compare to peers? Understanding your key performance indicators and developing your benchmarking process is vital.

    Forward-thinking supply chain managers use supply chain benchmarking to actively measure process efficiency, cost-effectiveness and risk management capabilities relative to industry competitors. They focus only on the benchmarking data that matter most, and they avoid goal setting in a vacuum, which frequently leads to misaligned expectations and sub-optimized performance. They benchmark what supply chain excellence looks like and how to evolve supply chain management practices to drive innovation.

    When used correctly, supply chain benchmarking helps to mitigate supply chain disruptions by identifying high-value, actionable insights.

    Measure supply chain excellence with Gartner supply chain benchmarking

    Gartner supply chain benchmarking allows you to measure performance against peers, identify strategic priorities and future needs, and position the supply chain function to drive business goals. Supply chain leaders can achieve supply chain excellence using our supply chain benchmarking:

    • Make decisions and leverage empirical data on supply chain improvement
    • Defend supply chain costs, spot risks of underinvestment, and quantify improvement goals and rates
    • Excel where it matters, optimize costs and be more effective

    Measure Supply Chain Excellence With Gartner Supply Chain Benchmarking

    Gartner supply chain benchmarking allows you to measure performance against peers, identify strategic priorities and future needs, and position the supply chain function to drive business goals. Supply chain leaders can achieve supply chain excellence using our supply chain benchmarking:

    • Make decisions and leverage empirical data on supply chain improvement
    • Defend supply chain costs, spot risks of underinvestment, manage logistics and quantify improvement goals and rates
    • Excel where it matters, optimize costs and be more effective

    Supply chain benchmarking insights you can use

    Gartner supply chain benchmarking shows you where you stand and where you need to go on your journey to excellence in supply chain management. Benchmark your function’s contribution to business strategy, analyze competitive benchmarking, and plot improvements to organizational structure, talent, technology and processes.

    Prioritize your supply chain metrics

    Are you tracking the right supply chain metrics? Prioritize the supply chain metrics that help in identifying improvement opportunities and making better business trade-offs. Before you redesign your supply chain metrics dashboard, read our report, Strengthening Supply Chain Performance Improvement Initiatives.

    Improve supply chain effectiveness

    Improve supply chain effectiveness by assessing supply chain performance against a structured framework and identifying the highest impact action steps. Download our report to learn how the Gartner Supply Chain Score redefines supply chain maturity assessment.

    Peer benchmarking on supply chain budget

    Compare costs in your supply chain budget using Gartner peer benchmarking. Align resource allocation to strategic priorities and lead informed discussions about changes to the supply chain budget with the board and CFO.

    Supplier Scorecard: Transform Your Supplier Relationships

    This report provides the business case for automating supplier scorecards to enable a robust supplier performance evaluation process. Learn how to transform supplier relationships in the face of ongoing supply chain disruption. 

    Questions about becoming a Gartner client?

    Gartner Supply Chain Case Studies

    Without Gartner, I would have struggled to obtain supply chain benchmarking and execute, and the entire process could have taken 10 years. Gartner lit the fire that we needed, putting us at least six years ahead of schedule.

    Supply Chain Leader, Manufacturing Industry
    Case Study

    Advancing Supply Chain Maturity at General Mills

    Dave Jackett, Senior Director of Supply Chain Data & Technologies at General Mills, reflects back on the early, mid- and long-term investments they made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Leveraging Gartner Supply Chain Score to assess the current maturity of their supply chain helped identify the key action steps they needed to take in order to reach their best future state.

    Explore the full library of supply chain client success stories.

    Supply Chain Benchmarking FAQs

    Long regarded as the industry standard for end-to-end supply chain performance measurement, the Gartner Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics helps you to prioritize the right supply chain metrics. Unlike other benchmarking methodologies that compare metrics in isolation, the Gartner methodology looks at the interdependencies between supply chain metrics to identify improvement opportunities and make better business trade-offs. We dynamically track more than a dozen supply chain metrics across seven core supply chain process areas spanning multiple industries. The Gartner research team will analyze your supply chain benchmarking metrics and provide you with a customized Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics report rating your performance against industry peers to identify areas of supply chain leadership and opportunities for improvement.

    Learn more about Gartner’s Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics, specifically how it can help to ensure you are tracking the right supply chain benchmarking metrics.

    Gartner Supply Chain Score — an independent assessment of how your supply chain organization compares to peers — enables you to improve supply chain effectiveness. Gartner Supply Chain Score assesses supply chain performance against a structured framework. With Gartner Supply Chain Score, a supply chain executive can identify and prioritize the right capabilities for advancing the supply chain team’s performance. Once you know where to improve, Gartner Supply Chain Score is the gateway to practical resources proven to drive action step by step, no matter your starting point. 

    Learn more about how Gartner Supply Chain Score redefines supply chain maturity assessment.

    Gartner Supply Chain Budget Benchmarking enables you to compare costs in your supply chain budget so that you can better plan the upcoming yearly supply chain budget. Peer benchmarking helps you align resource allocation to strategic priorities and lead informed discussions about changes to the supply chain budget with the board and CFO. Gartner Supply Chain clients use the peer benchmarking as part of cost optimization projects, digital transformation initiatives, and mergers and acquisitions and other organizational restructuring. Data includes spend and staffing/headcount in supply chain, sourcing and procurement and quality functions, and is segmented by industry, geography and company size.

    Learn more about Gartner Supply Chain Budget Benchmarking, specifically how it can help you to secure business buy-in for supply chain budget increases, achieve the right supply chain staffing ratio and make smart investments in business growth and transformation.

    Merlin, the Gartner automated supplier scorecard platform, is designed to help procurement organizations extract more supplier innovation, deliver lower overall cost and improve rationalized supply bases. This comprehensive tool enables collection, aggregation and analysis of mission-critical performance information for your highest-priority suppliers, minimizing time spent setting up critical KPIs and on manual data management, while maximizing time on strategic activities.

    Learn more about the Gartner automated supplier scorecard, specifically how it can transform your supplier relationships in the face of ongoing supply chain disruption.

    Supply chain leaders constantly seek opportunities to improve supply chain performance — in part by leveraging supply chain benchmarking data to evaluate improvements that other leading organizations have achieved. 

    A supply chain benchmarking project is successful when it collects the right data, analyzes it logically and leverages it as one of many inputs to drive investments in supply chain improvement initiatives.

    The first step in supply chain benchmarking is the collection of benchmarking data and the comparison to competitors/competition.

    Once the comparison is established, the next step is to identify opportunities for improving supply chain performance.

    Once a supply chain benchmarking project is complete, it is important to analyze the results to understand how the interdependencies influence your functional trade-offs. By identifying the probable causes for poor performance — versus looking at supply chain metrics in isolation — you can gain insights on which key levers improve supply chain effectiveness. These insights are invaluable inputs to determining what actions will deliver the greatest returns.

    One set of supply chain metrics that can exhibit a strong relationship is forecast error, finished goods inventory and perfect order fulfillment. If the ability to forecast is poor, it is reasonable to expect that the ability to deliver orders on-time and in-full (OTIF) to customers will be impacted. Additionally, if forecasting capabilities are weak, suppliers may also struggle to provide on-time performance that could also impact stock availability, leading to lower customer satisfaction.

    A second supply chain benchmark example involves these supply chain metrics: supplier on-time, supplier quality and inventory levels. Often as a result of poor supplier relationship management, long lead times, insufficient capacity or ineffective demand forecasting, supplier performance is impacted. When supplier performance is uncertain, companies often take the decision to buffer with inventories. Higher raw materials and finished goods inventories are also usually accompanied by high inventory obsolescence (or write-offs), particularly for companies with short product life cycles. In some cases, poor supplier performance may also have a negative impact on plant utilization.

    A third supply chain benchmark example involves these supply chain metrics: forecast error, plant utilization and inventory. In response to demand volatility, supply chains might make short-term changes in the production plan to accommodate urgent orders. This typically results in lower plant utilization and often higher inventory levels to serve as a buffer.

    The Gartner Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics identifies the 17 critical metrics to focus on across the end-to-end supply chain: forecast accuracy; perfect order; SCM cost; cash to cash; accounts payable; accounts receivable; inventory total; supplier quality; supplier on-time; raw materials inventory; purchasing costs; direct material costs; cost detail; production schedule variable; plant utilization; WIP and finished goods inventory; order cycle time; and perfect order detail.

    A supply chain scorecard is a concise set of metrics derived from the key drivers of supply chain operation, which makes them easy to understand and actionable. The best scorecards have around 12 supply chain metrics. Cross-functional partners value the supply chain metrics, and as metrics become outdated, they are filtered out of the supply chain scorecard. Supply chain metrics are retained for the sake of continuity, not for immediate business concerns.  

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