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Trending One-Minute Insights

Quick, digestible reports of benchmark surveys designed to be read between meetings

Applications Of Generative AI In The Hiring Process

Applications Of Generative AI In The Hiring Process

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MarOps: Data governance strategy

MarOps: Data governance strategy

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Leveraging Generative AI to Build Personalized Customer Journey Mapping

Leveraging Generative AI to Build Personalized Customer Journey Mapping

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Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for B2B Prospecting

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for B2B Prospecting

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GenAI for Supply Chain: A Beginner's Guide

GenAI for Supply Chain: A Beginner's Guide

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Elevating Experiences: The AI Revolution in Customer Engagement

Elevating Experiences: The AI Revolution in Customer Engagement

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Meet the Business Community

On one side Gartner Peer Community is great to help others who post questions or queries and at the same time the answers from others help me, there are many interesting ‘calls for support’ posted. I enjoy checking out the Gartner Peer Community to see how I can help others and what posts are out there from which I can learn myself.

Ingrid Kraaijbeek's profile image

Ingrid Kraaijbeek

VP Talent, Learning & Organizational Development

Gartner Peer Community provides a collaborative platform for a focused, productive exchange of actionable insights and knowledge specific to subject areas.

Padhu Raman's profile image

Padhu Raman

Chief Product Officer
Osa Commerce

This is what makes Gartner Peer Community great. It's a community where business folks from any industry can connect, inquire with each other and consider other ideas/thoughts.

Tricia Schaelow's profile image

Tricia Schaelow

Human Resource Business Partner
Government of Alberta

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Peer Community work?

The Peer Community is a give-to-get system. Members earn points by participating in Surveys, Q&As and Quick Polls. Your points can be used to post questions (for 100 points) or Quick Polls (for 300 points), and they can also be redeemed for a variety of Peer Community Gift Cards.

I'm not a Gartner client. Can I join the community?

Yes! Gartner Peer Community platform remains free to join and free to use. Users go through a verification process and need to adhere to community guidelines. Gartner clients may have access to additional, premium features such as published research and insights based on the data, interactive tools, and integration into their overall portal experience.

Why does my account need to be verified?

We verify users to ensure that every user knows who they are engaging with at all times, and knows where the information gathered is coming from. Verification helps to maintain community quality and the production of high-quality knowledge sharing that members can trust. Verified members are identified by the blue checkmark next to their name. In any poll, users can click on the participant count and see which verified technology leaders have responded.

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