Communicate IT’s Business Value

Build credibility by focusing on business outcomes

Nine rules for demonstrating the business value of IT

Defining, measuring and communicating the business value of IT is challenging for many CIOs. There are nine rules that all CIOs should follow as they craft and articulate their business value stories.

Gartner assumes that through 2025, CIOs who implement these nine rules will be 75% more successful in elevating their strategic contribution to their organization's mission.

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    Upcoming Webinar

    7 Rules for Effectively Demonstrating the Business Value of IT

    This complimentary webinar will explore seven rules that will help IT leaders build a more compelling and impactful narrative to communicate the business value of IT. These rules will help you justify IT operating budgets, secure business funding for new projects, and show more strategic alignment to business priorities and objectives.

    CIOs that implement these seven rules will be 75% more successful in elevating their strategic contribution to their organizations’ missions and increase approval rates for funding requests by 30% over current levels.

    Robert Naegle

    VP Analyst, Gartner

    Gartner Digital Execution Scorecard™

    The Gartner Digital Execution Scorecard™ provides CIOs and top technology executives a comprehensive set of digital strategy benchmarks to accelerate decision-making and drive execution.

    49% of respondents sais their IT department is sometimes successful in demonstrating IT's businss value, 30% said usually successful, 14% said they had rarely been successful and only 7% said they had consistently been successful.

    63% of CIOs struggle to communicate IT’s value

    CIOs should become the central agent in demonstrating the business value of IT and ensure IT’s credibility within the organization. They too often focus on technology and operational performance metrics that bore business leaders and fail to convey IT’s value to the business.

    We look at the business impact of new IT investments and educate business stakeholders on their TCO... The ultimate goal is to allocate more specific costs of IT services to allow the operators to correlate return on investment for those who consume the services.

    Laishy Williams-Carlson

    CIO, Bon Secours Health System

    Craft a value story tied to business outcomes

    To build a compelling business value story, leading CIOs start by understanding business leader priorities. By focusing on the business goals, outcomes and pain points of their business stakeholders, rather than the underlying technology, they are able to elevate the business value of IT conversation.

    Gartner predicts that through 2025, CIOs who successfully communicate their organizations' business value will maintain 60% higher funding levels than their market peers.

    Insights you can use

    Gartner insights, advice and tools help IT leaders navigate critical business value of IT conversations to increase IT's credibility and secure funding for new initiatives.

    Design a board presentation with maximum impact

    Business executives and boards of directors increasingly expect that accelerating digital investments will lead to business growth. So, how can you create a powerful strategy that's just a single page? This complimentary webinar will help you use storytelling to make the biggest impact on your business stakeholders.

    Enhance your delivery to sell digital transformation

    In this new, highly digitalized era in which most of us work, play, and live, it can be difficult to get a simple understanding of what digital is and how it is impacting us. Gartner can help IT leaders embrace storytelling as a persuasive approach to communications so that they can master culture and leadership dynamics by crafting better stories.

    Focus IT spending and cost conversations on business outcomes

    It is critical for IT leaders to demonstrate the value of IT expenditures. Gartner can help you build a strategic budget framework to guide resource allocation and show how IT is funding innovation and growth.

    Capture and communicate the value of cybersecurity 

    Communicating the value of cybersecurity is a challenging task and leaders often use the wrong method to communicate the value of investments, resulting in a needlessly weak security posture. This research focuses on the evolving methods and approaches for communicating the business value of security investments. 

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    Historically, IT as IT, we’ve not been great at marketing our success.

    Sanil Solanki

    MVP, Gartner

    The True Business Value of IT

    Get ready to voice IT’s value. This is the digital era of business, so it’s time for IT to step out of the rhythm section, grab the microphone and belt out your song for everyone in the enterprise to hear.

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