The CFO Guide to Funding Digital Investments

Adopt a more flexible funding model that fuels your digital initiatives.

One of the biggest barriers to executing on digital strategy is inappropriate funding for digital investments.

Our guide reveals four ways that CFOs can shift to a product-based funding model to ensure their digital investments are fully funded and can achieve desired business outcomes.

Download the guide to learn how CFOs can maximize the impact of digital investments by:

  • Linking product funding targets to digital priorities
  • Relaxing business case reviews to account for uncertainty
  • Adapting scorecards and metrics to capture value
  • Transitioning to a product funding model aligned to digital objectives

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    CFO Guides to Digital: A 3-Part Series of Reports

    This unique, 3-part series of reports focus on how CFOs can help their organizations set and execute digital strategies that promote digital optimization and transformation. These insights have been designed to help CFOs and finance leaders to understand the role they should play in digital strategy, digital funding and digital execution. Explore the other reports in the series below:

    Part 1: The CFO’s Guide to Enterprise Digital Strategy

    Part 3: The CFO’s Guide to Performance-Managing Digital Investments