Gartner Expert

Chris Eugene Howard

Distinguished VP Analyst

Chris Howard is Gartner's Chief of Research. In that role, Mr. Howard ensures that Gartner research meets the general and industry-specific needs of senior executives, with emphasis on both technical and business leadership.

Mr. Howard leads the Senior Content Leadership Board at Gartner where he is responsible for the development of integrated topics that cross all of Gartner's research. In that capacity, he regularly interacts with and advises CEOs, board members and other senior executives at the world's largest enterprises. He is the recipient of several Gartner thought leadership awards.

Previous experience

Mr. Howard has been involved in multiple areas of technology as a consultant, teacher, developer, architect and analyst. His experience covers enterprise application architecture, program management, multimedia and training. At U.S. Bank, he was responsible for development framework architecture, branch renewal and emerging technology. Prior to joining the bank, he owned his own company specializing in technology applications for multimedia and performance.

Professional background

Burton Group,VP and Research Director, Executive Advisory Program,5 years

US Bank,VP, Information Delivery and Payment Systems,5 years

Areas of coverage

Building and Expanding a Digital Business

CIO Leadership of Culture and People

CIO Role Evolution

Digital Disruption and Innovation

Driving Digital Business Transformation for Industry Leadership


BMus and MMus, McGill University, Montreal, DMA, University of British Columbia

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1The impact on business trends on architecture and technology strategy, Using advanced technology approaches to accomplish digital business outcomes, Digital business platforms and design, Innovation and organizational psychology, Customer engagement