Gartner Expert

Emily Rose McRae

Sr Director Analyst

Emily Rose McRae advises CHROs and other c-suite executives on the future of work and workforce transformation. While Ms. McRae works across all issues that can lead to the future of work, her core areas of focus include emerging technologies (such as GenAI) and their impact on work and the workforce, new employment models, evolving employee expectations, flexibility for frontline workers, and the aging workforce. She also helps executives with workforce planning to anticipate and prepare for these changes, creating a enterprise-wide future of work strategy, and creating and iterating on hybrid work strategies and the role of the office.

Previous experience

Prior to joining Gartner, Ms. McRae worked in management consulting and international development, providing data science support to U.S. Government loan programs and microfinance projects in Fiji and Tonga.

Professional background

FI Consulting,Management Consultant,3 years

UNDP Pacific Financial Inclusion Program,Financial Inclusion Consultant,1 years

Areas of coverage

Future of Work

Executive Leadership: Talent

Strategic Cost Optimization Resource Center

Future of Work Reinvented Resource Center

Generative AI Resource Center


M.A., International Affairs and International Economics, Specialization in Conflict Management and Quantitative Economics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, B.A., Political Economy and Latin American Studies, Tulane University

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Assessing how the future of work (beyond hybrid work) will impact your organization, Creating an actionable enterprise-wide future of work strategy to give your organization a competitive advantage, Effective workforce planning during disruption, including using data and talent analytics to inform workforce planning, Evaluating new employment models, including gig, and assessing whether and how to deploy them at your organization, Preparing for the impact of emerging technology (including AI and Automation) on your workforce and your talent strategy