Gartner Expert

Heather Elizabeth Wheatley

Sr Director Analyst

Heather Wheatley is a Senior Research Director in the CSCO

Enablement team. Heather's research interests include supply chain risk strategy, risk identification and assessment, risk reporting, sustainable supply chain, and risk assurance.

She helps Gartner clients to effectively identify, analyze and manage supply chain risks based on organizational risk appetite, process and product type. Her work aims to show how proactive supply chain risk management can increase stakeholder value, enhance agility and help to deliver organizational goals. Her interests include helping organizations to consider and implement optimum risk responses to diverse and complex challenges.

Previous experience

Johnson Matthey, Head of Security and Risk, 5 years

Tesco, Enterprise Risk Manager, 1 year

UK Ministry of Defence, Various roles includes Environment and sustainability policy and education, security policy and advisory, internal audit, 12 years

Professional background

Johnson Matthey,Head of Security and Risk,5 years

Tesco,Enterprise Risk Manager,1 years

Areas of coverage

Supply Chain Transformation

Sourcing and Procurement

Supply Chain Leadership


MSc Audit Management and Consultancy, Birmingham City University, , Pg Dip (Environmental Management for Business), University of Hertfordshire, , BSc. (Applied Environmental and Resource Science), University of Salford

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1How to identify, assess and manage supply chain risks and link to organizational objectives, How to carry out supplier assessment and risk management to deliver insights to stakeholders, How to report on supply chain risks to ensure maximum impact and benefit , How to carry out supply chain audits and investigations to deliver increased compliance , Providing advice to clients on sustainable best practices and key success criteria