Highlights from Gartner ReimagineHR 2023: Day 1

By Jordan Turner | 3-minute read | October 23, 2023

Executive Insights from Day 1 of Gartner ReimagineHR

Staying Bold - How HR Can Unlock Human Performance in Any Context

In the opening keynote, Gartner’s Ania Krasniewska Shahidi, Group Vice President, and Brent Cassell, VP, Advisory, explored how HR leaders can boldly and intentionally enable their organizations to expand what people, systems and technologies can achieve.

There are three key components to creating conditions that enable your organization to confidently and competently break boundaries:

  • Build stability: Organizations that offer stability to their workforce see a 61% rise in employee engagement.

  • Initiate trust: When employees feel their organizations trust them, their discretionary effort rises 39%.

  • Forge ahead: Employees are 10 times more likely to say their organization enables innovation if it readily lets go of existing mindsets and processes.

“HR leaders have a moment now to redefine and reshape how work is done, but they are grappling with the question: Is it reckless to continue to be bold, to challenge convention when external forces are no longer forcing our hand?"

Ania Krasniewska, Practice Vice President at Gartner

What CHROs Need to Know About Everyday AI

Generative AI is buzzworthy, but enterprises depend on everyday AI — snippets of AI services that help workers improve productivity, deliver higher-quality work and save time — in the digital workplace to amplify productivity and increase competitive advantage. Adam Preset, VP Analyst at Gartner, explores what everyday AI is, why it’s important and how it’s going to change your work and work in your organization.

“The more you use these new capabilities, the more you can change your own work for the better, and the more you can lead your organization into understanding the new changes that will come next."

Adam Preset, VP Analyst at Gartner

To approach and implement everyday AI:

  • Partner with IT: Your IT counterparts have an everyday AI plan — do the internal research to find out what it is and what your role will be.

  • Find ways to use it in daily work: Use everyday AI as you collaborate, and brainstorm how to use it to enhance digital employee experiences.

  • Apply everyday AI to needs and use cases: Join IT’s efforts to identify common, easy-to-communicate applications.

Hype Cycle for HR Transformation

By and large, business leaders rate HR’s strategic value as stagnant, regardless of ongoing transformation efforts. In this session, Seyda Berger-Böcker, Senior Director Analyst at Gartner, walks through how to use the Hype Cycle for HR Transformation as a guide for managing transformation while showing strategic value.

“You need to distinguish hype from reality and find the balance between tried-and-true capabilities you should have established yesterday with cutting-edge innovation to solve the HR organization’s individual challenges.”

Seyda Berger-Böcker, Senior Director Analyst at Gartner


To leverage the Hype Cycle for HR Transformation: 

  • Stay ahead of the competition by anticipating capabilities important for transformation  rather than reacting to them.

  • Selectively choose capabilities to pilot, reexamine or scale to successfully transform the HR function.

  • Develop short- and long-term HR transformation roadmaps.

About Gartner ReimagineHR Conference

Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, the premier conference for CHROs and their HR leadership teams, brings together HR leaders to learn how to build a more human organization, leverage new HR technologies and inspire extraordinary talent impact.

Learn more about Gartner ReimagineHR Conference and what's in store for 2024.

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Brent Cassell is a VP, Advisory at Gartner, where he has worked for the past 18 years in both the HR and CIO Research Groups. His job is to help clients find the research they need, to help them understand that research, and to coach them through the implementation of those best practices in their own organizations. Currently, his research focuses on the Future of Work and Total Rewards. In 2022, he won Gartner's award for Outstanding Thought Leadership for his work on Redesigning Work for the Hybrid World. He is also the Contributing Editor of HR Leaders Monthly and the Co-Host of the Talent Angle podcast

Adam Preset is a VP Analyst for Digital Workplace at Gartner. He researches solutions that enable and enhance collaboration and communication for digital workers. He advises digital workplace leaders as their organizations navigate transformational digital and technology initiatives. His expertise embraces the breadth and depth of the modern workplace and new ways of working, including: everyday and generative AI in collaboration applications; meeting solutions, technologies and practices; cloud office collaboration and migrations; visual collaboration platforms; workstream collaboration and instant messaging; live and on demand video within enterprise; internal virtual events, including company-wide town halls; and internal communications technologies to support workforce engagement. He has more than 17 years of experience as a practitioner and technology leader.

Seyda Berger-Boecker is an Expert Researcher and Analyst at Gartner with more than ten years of combined experience in human resources, management consulting and project management. She engages with clients around topics such as HR benchmarking, HR budgeting and driving cost optimization in HR.

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