How many female executives are on your leadership team?





> 50%4%

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CIO in Education
10-25% y’all! 😖
CEO in Manufacturing
My goal with this poll is to get a real time view from this community on where we stand. My motivation is below.

I’m the founder and chairman at Infrastruture Masons and our research has shown less than 10% women in the digital infrastructure industry. Even less in leadership positions. We have a 50/50 gender challenge that we’re championing at the entry level (scholarships) and executive commitments (pledges). Thanks for the responses. This is really helpful. Appreciate any other thoughts you have.
Director in Manufacturing
I wonder what the overall % of Females in the industry is?    I know it has been improving and increasing over time, but I haven't seen any recent metrics that I recall
2 4 Replies
CIO in Education

25% women in the tech industry, less than were present in the 1980’s. And worse, of that 25% women, only 10% of those 25% are non-white.

CEO in Manufacturing

As  has articulated, we have a long way to go. Everyone has to step in to change these numbers in any significant way.

Community User in Software

Thanks for putting intersectionality into perspective  !! 

IT Portfolio Management Group Leader in Government
Can't have women tech leaders if women do not go into tech in the first place or find support and respect for being there. Interesting Planet Money story on when women stopped coding. 2014 but still valid.
VP of Marketing in Finance (non-banking)
I choose leaders with whom I can trust and have HIGH competency levels, willing to work hard... Just so happens I have more females than males. I don't think about my leadership team that way. 
my response was for the C'Suite and we have one female on a six person team (17%).  However, we have an extended leadership team that truly manage every area of the business.  Including this team, the percentage exceeds 30%.  Do others see this dichotomy between C'suite participation and next level down participation?
Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotech
I work currently in a team of 10 and we have 6 women. This will change to 5-5 in a few weeks due to maternity, but that's temporary.
Director of Marketing
The idea that women have to occupy 50% of executive positions as a stand alone idea holds missing statistics, the main one being that a good portion of women choose to not be at the executive level for life balance and well-being. We're more likely to be make that choice  - and I'm not just talk about child-rearing choices. I'm 64 and would not have wanted to be an executive position before now. AND, it certainly exists that the balance is considerably wrong. I would like to see fuller research done that incorporates the thought that women make choices to not be an executive.

That said, it might be that the "old boys" would make it difficult, or that the way our balanced emotional/thinking doesn't come to the table congruently. 

I'm graduating with my masters in sustainability leadership this summer and the course rosters are primarily women. That is a great sign. 

Just a couple thoughts from an old lady who ponders things deeply. 
Director of IT
Our company have been strongly soliciting Diversity and Inclusion goals. What is more important is to equip well with right skills and opportunities for aspiring women leaders. It is not just about increasing the Women % but more to create pathways for guidance and opportunities.
Sr. Test Engineer in Software

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