If you had a magic wand - what's the #1 daily business challenge you'd eliminate?

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CTO in Software
Without a doubt - Technical Debt! It's a ball and chain that creates an ever increasing drag on any organization, stifles innovation, and prevents transformation.
150 19 Replies
Community User in Software

ohh boy is that a good one Andrew - and how often do CIOs/CTOs inherit this right? Get's worse with time as well like quicksand... reliant on a legacy system that gets more and more outdated but at the same time difficult to move off of...

Managing Director in Manufacturing

I've heard this described as technology poverty, the further away you are from the norm the harder it gets to get there.

vp information technology in Consumer Goods

i have made a career driving transformations which always include technical debt. always.

Senior Director in Healthcare and Biotech
16 12 Replies
VP of Product Management in Software

Lol. Would love for you expand on that

Community User in Software

ha! especially from a security perspective right? Paraphrasing a number of CISOs "you can implement all the tools in the world, nothing will protect you from someone clicking a link they shouldn't..."

Senior Director in Healthcare and Biotech

The bane of all IT departments are its users! Would be easier if all input and analysis were automated. Imagine no support desk needed, and as Peter mentions, security for the organization would have a different direction - penetration focus rather than worrying about those phishing attacks.

Chief Information Technology Officer in Finance (non-banking)
User complains...
7 1 Reply
Director of IT in Government

Do you have a CSI register and activity? It is a way to toy with the hedonic treadmill of use complains.

CIO in Consumer Goods
Legacy systems and integration:-)
13 1 Reply

So true.

ISSO and Director of the IRU in Healthcare and Biotech
Legacy systems and non-technical people overseeing a system.
18 5 Replies
VP of Information Technology in Construction

Exactly what I was going to say. I loved working for a Director of IT whose only IT knowledge and experience was that she knew how to single or double click a mouse.

Director Certifications in Education

I totally agree, very well said

Chief Information Officer in Software

How can non technical people oversee an IT ecosystem or subsystem?


I can understand product enhancement requirements coming from a Product group, user experience group, or SMEs  defining who and how the system is to be used, operational personnel defining what enhancements are needed and workflows, but how can a non technical person be put in charge of  technical product and implementation details concerning any technical domain?

Are companies really hiring non technical people to oversee and superintend technology groups?  Of course I have worked with managers who may not be overly familiar with certain technology stacks (that's not too unusual, especially for legacy and/or modern paradigms), but no experience and no technology background? That's absurd!

Chief Information Technology Officer in Finance (non-banking)
Security vulnerabilities
CTO in Software
Change customer customization from coding to settings with an internal tool.
CIO, Senior VP in Finance (non-banking)
Users. Hands down. I would get everyone off my network. It would work perfectly.
12 2 Replies
CTO in Software

We are a security start-up, our solution effectively does what you want. So glad to see our approach might be helpful.

VP of Sales in Software

#1 Rule on this site: No Selling.

ISSO and Director of the IRU in Healthcare and Biotech
Data modernization issues. Wish I could wave a wand and everything would be fixed, not siloed and modernized.
Director in Software
Emails!! Followed by Tech debt and improving security posture.

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Yes, very effective24%

Sort of effective – not optimal but fine62%

Sort of ineffective – there’s friction15%

Totally ineffective, major changes needed

IT Manager in Construction
I haven't direct experience about but I found something can help you 😉

Lack of visibility into customer interactions26%

Blindspots during coaching40%

Lack of understanding of what’s going on in the market29%

Other (I'll explain below)5%

Director of IT in IT Services
Virtual holiday gatherings with online games and activities to maintain team spirit.
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IT Manager in Construction
Hello, I do for myself after shifting to the Premium plan.
There are many courses but just generic and I am wondering about the validity of these certifications