#Hashtags: The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast

A Marketing & Communications Podcast

Latest Episode

The Problematic Promise of Digital B2B Buying — With Rick LaFond

December 13, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Rick LaFond discusses how B2B CMOs should align their customer acquisition and account growth strategies to the preferences and behaviors of the modern B2B buyer. This discussion includes the latest trends in B2B buying, as well as strategic and tactical tips for how CMOs should respond accordingly. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 43

Is D2C Right for Your Brand — With Ant Duffin

November 28, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Ant Duffin discusses how CMOs can decide if D2C is the right strategy for brands based on the strength of the Three Ps — Purpose (why), Potential (how) and Priority (what). The discussion will provide CMOs with strategic D2C guidance as to whether they should start, shift or stop D2C depending on that assessment. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 42

Right-Sizing Your MarOps Investment — With Michael McCune

November 15 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Michael McCune discusses the evolution of marketing operations and its role in changing the way marketing works. How can CMOs effectively leverage investment in the MarOps function? What capabilities do they need in a MarOps leader? What metrics should they track as leading indicators of commercial impact? Many ask if rapid transformation is even possible. Is it? Listen to this podcast for answers!

Episode 41

Thr Growth At The End Of Your Funnel- With Julie Reeves and Augie Ray

October 31, 2023

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analysts Julie Reeves and Augie Ray discuss the importance of supplementing brand-building with increased down-funnel emphasis on customer experience — ultimately leading to more growth. They offer tips for bringing Brand and CX teams together: their relative strengths, where they differ in approach, how to collaborate effectively, and more. This is the catalyst and context you need to effectively plan for growth and better brand experiences in 2024.

Episode 40

Can Your CX Keep Up With Your Brand Promise? — With Leah Leachman

October 18 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Leah Leachman discusses how to ensure that your organization has the customer experience capabilities that support your brand promise. The discussion includes how CMOs can improve their approach to designing and measuring experiences that drive customer loyalty and growth. Listen to this podcast for more insights!

Episode 39

Telling a Stronger Value Story— With Chris Ross

October 4, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analyst Chris Ross discusses how CMOs and CCOs can improve how they communicate about value and impact, transcending the limitations of dashboards and KPIs. The discussion includes how CMOs can better assess and understand the value they create, how to distill a core value narrative, and how to deliver marketing value stories with more resonance and fidelity. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 38

Martech's Watershed Moment— With Ben Bloom

September 20, 2023

Benjamin Bloom is a VP, Analyst helping marketing leaders with martech stack optimization, personalization, and customer data management.

Mr. Bloom's experience spans customer engagement, direct response, CRM, data management, analytics, web development and brand marketing roles, as both a consultant/strategist and client-side team leader. He has developed and optimized marketing campaigns, as well as selected and implemented technology and advertising solutions for over 10 years. Listen to his podcast now!

Episode 37

Get Ready for Machine Customers— With Don Scheibenreif and Mark Raskino

September 6, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analysts and authors of When Machines Become Customers Don Scheibenreif and Mark Raskino discuss how the rise of machine customers will impact the discipline of marketing and the marketing profession itself. What does it mean to market to a machine? What are the implications for how you position your brand? And what do marketing leaders need to start doing right now to take advantage of the huge growth opportunities on the horizon, as potentially billions of machine customers are headed their way? Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 36

You're Probably Discounting Wrong— With Kassi Socha and Emma Mathison

August 23, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Kassi Socha and researcher Emma Mathison join to discuss Gartner's latest findings around incentives. The fear of continual price increases and, an appetite to try new brands, and XX are driving consumers to react differently to discounts and promotions than they have in the past. For those targeting a younger consumer, learn how the coupon became cool again, and free shipping is a mandate. To exceed consumers’ expectations, B2C CMOs must prioritize discounts with customer appeal, tailor discounts to specific audiences, and make discount experiences more interactive. Listen now!

Episode 35

Building a Catalytic Digital Experience- With Kristina LaRocca-Cerrone

August 9, 2022

Digital engagement is getting more complex, and CMOs are under pressure to show results. In this episode, Gartner analyst Kristina LaRocca-Cerrone shares Gartner’s latest research on “catalytic” digital interactions that change customer behavior, increase customer confidence and, most importantly, generate business value. The discussion includes how CMOs can find the perfect moment for “catalytic” experiences, examples of what a great catalytic digital interaction looks and feels like, and how this new approach might fit into the rest of your marketing strategy. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 34

Tightening the Belt on Digital, and Other Budget Trends— With Ewan McIntyre and Alex de Fursac Gash

July 26, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analysts Ewan McIntyre and Alex de Fursac Gash share insights and explore key themes from Gartner’s 2023 CMO Spend & Strategy Survey. The discussion includes how marketing must learn to do more with less, the trap of digitization for the sake of digitization, and the growing pressures for CMOs to reduce marketing technology spending. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 33

Going Rogue to Drive Innovation and Growth — With Penny Gillespie

July 12, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Penny Gillespie discusses rogue thinking, Gartner’s approach to idea generation and execution. Rogue thinking uses a fresh perspective, often going against conventional, mature business wisdom. Discover the common habits of rogue thinkers, the key skills they share and the barriers that often get in the way. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 32

Taking the Reins on AI — With Andrew Frank

June 18, 2023

In this #Hashtags episode, Gartner VP Analyst Andrew Frank discusses how marketers and communicators should organize their thinking around generative AI and what they can do to position themselves and their brands for success amid this generational disruption. Listen now!

Episode 31

It Doesn't Take a Data Scientist — With Jason McNellis

June 14, 2023

In this episode of #Hashtags, Gartner analyst Jason McNellis discusses how CMOs can be more data–driven without having to be experts in analytics or machine learning. Today, cherry-picking results and going with one’s gut are serious obstacles for CMOs who want their teams to make better and more timely decisions. We’ll cover how CMOs can assess their teams current use of analytics. Then we’ll use marketing examples from multiple companies as we discuss how experimentation, better questions and a “caterpillar’s-eye view” – not more data science – improve data-driven decisioning. Listen now!

Episode 30

Keeping It Ethical in Digital Commerce — With Jason Daigler

May 17, 2023

In this episode of #Hashtags, Gartner analyst Jason Daigler discusses how digital commerce practitioners often cross the line in the way they sell products. The discussion includes how marketers and digital commerce practitioners can avoid unscrupulous behavior and build customer trust — and what will happen if they don’t. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 29

Get Ready for Gartner's Marketing Symposium— With Kristina LaRocca-Cerrone and Brianna Lux

May 3, 2023

Join us from 22 to 24 May in Denver for the Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo — the world’s most important gathering of CMOs and Marketing Executives™. In this episode of #Hashtags, conference Co-Chairs Kristina LaRocca-Cerrone and Brianna Lux discuss how attendees can use their time at the conference to gain insight, define and validate their marketing strategies, build their networks, and get ahead of the curve. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 28

Putting the Customer Back in CX — With Chad Storlie

April 19, 2023

In this #Hashtags episode, Gartner Analyst Chad Storlie discusses what true customer centricity looks like. Many companies remain product-focused rather than moving to a customer-centric model where they emphasize meeting customers’ needs and metrics such as loyalty, satisfaction and advocacy. CMOs must adopt processes to unite their organizations on customer centricity. Customer centricity places the customer at the center of decisions, activates employees to act in the customers’ best interest and drives multilevel process changes that result in customer experience (CX) improvements in loyalty and advocacy. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 27

Crawling Out From Under Information Overload — With LK Klein

April 6, 2023

In this #Hashtags episode, Gartner Research Director LK Klein discusses the cost of unmanaged information overload on key business metrics like strategic alignment and intent to stay, as well as solutions marketing and communications leaders can use to reduce the burden of information on employees across the organization.
Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 26

Rethinking Your Loyalty Program — With Halle Stern

March 22, 2023

In this episode, Gartner’s Halle Stern speaks about how to incorporate new tactics into loyalty program strategies, such as offering experiential benefits and experiential earning. Consumers are looking for more than just discounts, and Halle talks about the importance of understanding customer values, motivations and needs in order to deliver a unique loyalty program experience. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 25

Unsilo Your Multichannel Strategy— With Alex de Fursac Gash and Suzanne Schwartz

March 7, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analysts Alex de Fursac Gash and Suzanne Schwartz share key insights from the newly released 2023 Gartner Multichannel Marketing Survey. The survey shows that a customer-centric “holistic channel strategy” is an effective approach to managing channel complexity. Yet if it was so easy, everyone would be doing it.
We also talk about how CMOs can take these insights and apply them to their organizations, cutting through this channel complexity. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 24

Betting on Social Commerce — With Ant Duffin

February 22, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Ant Duffin discusses the state of social commerce, outlining what it is, what it’s not and its future potential as it rapidly evolves. The discussion also provides digital marketing leaders with insights and guidance on how to evaluate social commerce opportunities, navigate the risk of constant change, and where to place short- and long-term bets. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 23

Who's Afraid of Generative AI? — With Nicole Greene

February 8, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Nicole Greene discusses the proven impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on content and the customer experience. We’ll cover the promise and the risks of bringing AI to your organization across data, creativity, culture, and ethics. The discussion outlines how CMOs should approach harnessing the power of generative AI. Nicole Greene analyzes marketing strategy, trends, and practices with an emphasis on content marketing and management, digital experience and artificial intelligence. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 22

The Make-or-Break Consumer Trends for 2023 — With Kate Muhl

January 25, 2023

In this episode, Gartner analyst Kate Muhl leverages Gartner’s proprietary quantitative and qualitative consumer research to cut through the clutter and hone in on the consumer and cultural trends that will truly matter to CMOs in 2023. The discussion includes insight into inflation’s impact on brand relationships and the growing generation gap in attitudes and expectations for brands. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 21

You Don't Know Gen Z— With Emily Weiss

January 10, 2023

In this episode, Gartner researcher Emily Weiss dispels some common misconceptions about Gen Z’s attitudes toward social media. She explores the values they espouse that make them different from their Millennial predecessors. We also dive into several trends in digital culture — from A.I.-generated artwork to the Dark Academia aesthetic — and uncover lessons learned about how to appeal to this up-and-coming cohort of consumers. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 20

Flexing Your Innovation Muscle— With Chris Ross

December 14, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analyst Chris Ross discusses how to establish a firm foundation for innovation initiatives, the critical distinctions between “Big I” and “little i” innovation, and how to more effectively communicate innovation impact.

He also talks about how CMOs can anticipate and respond to common innovation challenges and establish more robust support for innovation initiatives and advises CMOs at the world's leading organizations on marketing and brand strategy, innovation, and agency selection and management. Listen to this latest podcast now!

Episode 19

Combatting Your (Stealth) Trust Crisis— With Alexandra Earl

November 30, 2022

In this episode, Gartner Advisor Alexandra Earl discusses why trust is so important to get right — especially right now. Change-fatigued employees, burned out from the COVID-19 pandemic, have serious concerns about those in charge of their organization. Lack of visibility and transparency into change and future strategy are leaving employees to question their commitment to perform and remain. Trust is critical and carries many benefits for organizations — but so many are missing the mark. As such, leaders must rethink their communication to (re)build trust if they are to stand a chance of retaining employees and achieving strategic goals. Listen to this podcast now to discover key drivers of trust!

Episode 18

Retail Media's Takeover of the Ad Industry— With Brad Jashinsky and Mike Froggatt

November 15, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analysts Brad Jashinsky and Mike Froggatt discuss how retail media networks are changing the digital advertising and media landscape. They also examine how brand marketers can take advantage of this new channel to reach customers online. We’ll provide an overview of the top three retail media networks, discuss why many retailers are launching their own, and focus on how retail media can fit into both brand and performance advertising strategy. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 17

How CMOs Can Navigate Economic Turbulence — With Jason McNellis

November 1, 2022

In this latest episode, Gartner analyst Jason McNellis discusses what economic uncertainty and inflation mean to marketers. The beginning of 2022 saw many marketers attempting to claw back budgets to pre-COVID-19 levels. As 2022 progressed, new macroeconomic challenges started blocking the path to higher budgets. While some marketing organizations today are working through cuts — often starting with their media or brand building budgets — others are investing to gain share. Most marketing leaders will have to wear both hats over the next six months: on some days, playing defense to bolster the evidence of marketing’s ability to drive business outcomes, and on other days, playing offense and outlying plans demonstrating how investments in marketing will increase growth. The most successful will combine the two approaches, such as using marketing automation to increase efficiencies and drive conversions with minimal incremental investment. Listen now!

Episode 16

The Missed Opportunity of Paid- With Claudia Ratterman

October 19, 2022

In this latest episode, Gartner analyst Claudia Ratterman discusses the missed opportunity of paid on social media platforms. Even though marketers and communicators are publishing engaging organic content on social platforms, data shows a minimal number of current followers will ever see it. We’ll cover the reasons for the limited reach as well as ways to help brands maximize potential return on investments by focusing on specific content types and platforms with higher organic reach potential.

Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 15

Holiday Wishlist: Consumer Insights for Retail Readiness— With Kassi Socha and Suzanne Schwartz

October 4, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analysts Kassi Socha and Suzanne Schwartz discuss how marketing leaders need to shift their holiday strategy to meet the expectations of skeptical consumers. For consumers, the fear of continual price increases, lack of discounts, and continued supply disruptions means they are prepared to shop earlier, focus on value, and adopt omnichannel solutions that remove hybrid shopping barriers. To exceed consumers’ expectations, brands must make it easy to find and share holiday gift inspiration, be transparent about pricing, and make shopping seamless and fun — across online, in-store, and everything in between. Listen now!

Episode 14

Backsliding on Martech — With Benjamin Bloom

September 20, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analyst Benjamin Bloom discusses new challenges to marketing’s role as a technology steward. While IT and marketing have improved their collaboration efforts, marketing’s position as a growth driver cannot survive in the face of remarkably low utilization of the technology capabilities in the stack. CMOs must overcome customer data frictions and disrupted customer journeys, but our 2022 Gartner Marketing Technology Survey reveals that talent training and integration remain critical ROI bottlenecks.We’ll cover new insights into where martech teams are placing their bets, from today’s critical components to the emerging technologies to battle the cookieless future. Listen now!

Episode 13

How CMOs Are Upending Structure — With Sally Witzky

September 7, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analyst Sally Witzky discusses insights from Gartner's Marketing Organization Insights Survey for 2022, with her perspective of what CMOs seemed to get right, and other data points that make us scratch our heads. Either way, CMOs changed all aspects of their marketing resource ecosystem from org structures to operating models to agency roster. The episode covers what they changed and what we’ve heard from CMOs since the survey’s release. Sally Witzky analyzes marketing organizational and operational trends and best practices. She advises CMOs to leverage proven and actionable techniques, systems and tools for building in-house strategic marketing capabilities that maximize value creation and strengthen competitive advantage. Listen to this podcast now!

Episode 12

The DEI Advantage: Why CMOs Should Take the Lead — With Jay Wilson

August 23, 2022

In this episode, Gartner analyst Jay Wilson discusses how marketing leaders are in a position to influence their organization’s approach to internal diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), while ensuring those efforts are accurately represented in marketing communications. As an increasingly diverse customer base demands that the brands they buy from take action on DEI, the CMO must advocate for that mandate internally. In doing so, a CMO can improve her influence within the C-suite, while making a positive impact on marketing and business outcomes. Success depends on new approaches to hiring, retention, agency selection, and ultimately marketing that is more relevant and representative of our world.

Episode 11

Setting Your Comms House in Order: Data Insights to Help You Shine – With Iliyana Hadjistoyanova

August 9, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analyst Iliyana Hadjistoyanova reveals key insights from an organizational survey of 182 Communications leaders. We discuss the positive trend of the function’s growing influence and debate the implications of high reorganization rates. And we try to answer the question, “If all seems to be trending well, why are communicators quitting in droves?”. To get the answer, listen now!

Episode 10

How Overturning Roe v. Wade Is Shaking Up Privacy — With Andrew Frank

July 26, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analyst Andrew Frank discusses how marketing, communication, HR, legal, and IT roles need to align to address the wide-ranging implications of new laws and law enforcement actions that raise the risks associated with personal data routinely collected and processed by their organizations. For consumers, the fear of digital surveillance is becoming more concrete while, for businesses, the ethical and operational complexities are becoming more acute.We’ll cover some specific situations where organizations’ commitment to protecting the health and well-being of stakeholders is being challenged.

Episode 9

Reality-Checking Your Customer Experience — With Leah Leachman

July 13, 2022

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner Director Analyst Leah Leachman discusses how marketing leaders all too often make a commitment toward customer centricity when all signs lead to the opposite effect. Marketing’s efforts are really more channel-led vs customer-led, focusing on acquisition and demand generation versus understanding customer needs. But does that strategy really lead to sustainable, long-term growth? Or will customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy suffer as a result? There is a way to balance company and customer.

Episode 8

CMO Course Correction: 3 Insights to Ensure You’re on Track — With Ewan McIntyre

June 29, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner VP analyst and Chief of Research Ewan McIntyre discusses some of the themes that emerge from this year’s CMO Spend and Strategy Survey. This survey captures the strategic and budgetary priorities of marketing in 2022. As budgets start to rise from lockdown-era cuts, CMOs find themselves in a complex environment. Channels continue to shift, inflation chips -away at consumer confidence and fierce talent competition poses challenges for marketing’s operating model.

Episode 7

Recalibrating Brand and Performance Marketing- With Julie Reeves and Noam Dorros

June 14, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analysts Julie Reeves and Noam Dorros discuss the interplay between brand and performance marketing. Performance marketing has been the darling of marketing programs due to its ability to generate quick leads and sales based on concrete data. 

As budgets have tightened, marketers have repeatedly relied on this proven tactic. But now, many CMOs are realizing that brand marketing needs a seat at the table. Does turning attention to brand come at the expense — literally —  of performance marketing budgets? Complicating matters, the value of brand marketing is hard to measure and prove ROI. How do you know where to place your bets? How do changing market conditions reframe these choices? 

Get these answers in this episode!

Episode 6

Where Social Strategies Fall Short- With Amber Gallihar Boyes

May 31, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analyst Amber Gallihar Boyes discussed how most successful organizations are adapting their strategies to a more purposeful approach to community building and audience interaction with so many enticing developments around content and commerce possibilities, it can be tempting to bucket social media in with the rest of your media channels. But failing to carve out a distinct social strategy that mirrors audience behaviors and preferences can result in lost opportunities and diminished business impact.

Episode 5

Inflated Expectations: What You Should Know About Consumer Spending- With Derek Stubbs

May 17, 2022

In this latest episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner analyst Derek Stubbs draws on proprietary consumer research to illuminate perceptions of — and reactions to — rising prices. Yes, there are anxieties, but consumers of varying income levels experience inflation differently, and marketers and communicators need to build on strategies that don’t always center on price.

Episode 4

What It Takes To Be "Tomorrow's CMO" - With Kristina LaRocca Cerrone and Alex de Fursac Gash

May 3, 2022

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner experts discuss which skills emerged as must-haves for CMOs through the pandemic. They look at where CMOs need to focus and develop their skills to have an impact, and how evolving your skill set can help move your business.

Episode 3

Welcome to the Meh-taverse! – With Kyle Rees and Rachel Steinhardt

April 19, 2022

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner experts Kyle Rees and Rachel Steinhardt discuss current and future states of the metaverse, what American consumers are thinking about the metaverse now, and how CMOs should assess their brand’s place in these new virtual worlds. 

Episode 2

The Workers Left Behind in a Hybrid World- With Elizabeth Barrett

April 5, 2022

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner VP of research Elizabeth Barrett discusses those workers most vulnerable to being left behind as we move into a hybrid work future: frontline and essential workers. Organizations have been grappling with accommodating their hybrid workforce — to find a balance between their in-office and at-home workers to ensure productivity and protect culture. But those who never went remote have borne the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic and are arguably at much greater risk.

In this episode, we discuss actionable insights for how to make sure we maintain productivity and engagement among those whose workers never went remote.

Episode 1

Is This the End of Customer Data?- With Lizzy Foo Kune

March 22, 2022

In this episode of our marketing podcast, Gartner VP analyst Lizzy Foo Kune discusses how marketers should prioritize customer data collection efforts. Marketers continue to invest in the pursuit of a 360-degree view of the customer, despite threats from regulators, obsolete data collection methods, and challenges with customer trust. But what do you and your customer get out of it? And how do you ensure you set your organization up for success, given that there are more than 14 technologies that marketers commonly deploy to manage customer data, including the customer data platform (CDP)?