One-Minute Insights

One-Minute Insights are quick, digestible reports of benchmark surveys taken only by decision makers like yourself in the Peer Community platform. They are designed to be read between meetings. Each report is available for you to download and use for visual data in a presentation or slide deck.

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  1. 64c78fb1640b5c0001d50f97-CA8k3mxi

    Emerging Software Security Risks: How Are Tech Leaders Preparing for 2024?

    Software security vulnerabilities can arise from a variety of sources — especially those related to emerging tech. Read on to find out which potential risks are most concerning to tech leaders.

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    Addressing the Gender Gap

    Building a culture of equitability for women and gender diverse employees In today’s work culture, it is critical for organizations to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. Although many organizations have made great strides in DE&I over the past few years, women and gender diverse employees are still underrepresented in leadership and on the board. How are organizations addressing this gender gap?

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    Organizational Investment Strategies for Generative AI

    Organizational Investment Strategies for Generative AI There is vast potential with generative AI tools and businesses are deciding how to best allocate funds for this technology. How are finance leaders beginning their organization’s Generative AI investment journeys, and what are they prioritizing?

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    Generative AI and Software Engineering Teams: Adoption and Training

    Generative AI (GenAI) is changing the way that software engineers and developers do their work, but how are organizations managing adoption, training and governance? Read on to find out.

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    GenAI for Supply Chain: A Beginner's Guide

    GenAI has been a ubiquitous topic of conversation over the past six months, but when it comes to the actual implementation, details are surprisingly sparse. How are supply chain and procurement professionals approaching the work of implementing GenAI, and what advice do they have for those just starting the journey?

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  6. Applications of Generative AI in the Hiring Process

    Applications Of Generative AI In The Hiring Process

    HR teams across organizations are utilizing generative AI (GenAI) to streamline their hiring process. From drafting job listings to screening resumes, GenAI’s applications have enhanced organizations’ recruitment strategies and shortened the time needed to close open positions. How are HR teams adapting GenAI to their personal needs, how successful have they been and what challenges are they facing?

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    Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for Data and Analytics

    The potential use cases for GenAI are extensive. How are leaders applying this technology in their data and analytics (D&A) function today, and how do they plan to in the future?

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    Unlocking the Potential: GenAI's Impact on Product Innovation and Growth

    Innovation has always been the driving force behind successful product development. Enter GenAI, an emerging power that can reshape how products are brought to life. How can product managers harness the power of GenAI to improve the user experience and business outcomes of their offerings and drive product growth?

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    Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for B2B Prospecting

    Getting the attention of prospects today is more challenging than ever, yet prospecting to find new leads is arguably the most critical element to the sales process. While Generative AI tools have shown vast potential, it is still a nascent technology many are navigating for the first time. How are sales leaders approaching Generative AI to help their teams with B2B prospecting?

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  10. 64e497531ae3430001b783db-bGvXJ8Ft

    Navigating Generative AI Governance: Infosec Leader Perspectives

    Organizations are looking to generative AI (GenAI) governance as the tech’s risks and opportunities continue to emerge. What are their strategies and how many plan to implement generative AI for security?

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    Leveraging Generative AI to Build Personalized Customer Journey Mapping

    Marketing teams are leveraging generative AI (GenAI) to better understand their customers, create personalized content and improve workflows. Integrated alongside traditional marketing automation platforms, these GenAI tools allow marketers to develop unique marketing strategies, synthesize customer journeys and optimize results. How can marketing teams who aren’t using GenAI leverage the tool, and what applications does synthetic marketing data have in the development of customer journey mapping?

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    2024 Generative AI Planning: How are IT Organizations Preparing?

    How are CIOs and IT leaders approaching 2024 planning and budgeting to account for Generative AI (GenAI) adoption within their IT organizations?

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  13. Hybrid Infrastructure

    Hybrid infrastructure: Adoption, deployment, and future investment Hybrid infrastructure is an IT environment that mixes on-premises and cloud IT infrastructure. What benefits and use cases are driving organizations' investments in hybrid infrastructure?

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  14. Buyer Journey Mapping: 2023

    Mapping the various stages, and touch points, along a customer's journey to a purchase decision allows organizations to better understand buyer needs, personalize content and influence the sales process. How aligned is your organization’s sales enablement content with its mapped buyer journeys?

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  15. 2023: The State of Product-Led Sales

    Product-led sales is a rapidly growing approach to modern B2B sales where the product takes a central role in driving customer acquisition. By focusing on an accessible self-serve model and an intuitive end user experience, a product's inherent value propels the sales process forward. How are organizations implementing this approach and marrying it with the traditional sales led motions?

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    Elevating Experiences: The AI Revolution in Customer Engagement

    In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, customer engagement stands as a pivotal factor that defines success. With the advent of AI, a new era of customer engagement has emerged. How have product management and data professionals incorporated AI into their customer engagement strategy and what benefits have they seen?

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    Marketing Team Morale

    Understanding and nurturing marketing team morale is important for marketing leaders. By addressing employee concerns and priorities, marketing leaders can uplift their teams, provide a deeper sense of purpose and motivate organizational success. How are marketing team members feeling about their position within their organization in 2023?

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    Building a Dynamic Sales Skills Strategy

    With ever-shifting customer behaviors, market trends and available talent, developing today’s sales reps for tomorrow’s roles is more important than ever. How are sales organizations adapting their skill sets to meet these dynamic challenges?

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  19. HR benchmarking report for total rewards strategy at multigenerational organizations

    How are HR professionals managing total rewards strategy at multigenerational organizations? Building, managing and maintaining an effective total rewards strategy (TRS) is critical to attracting and retaining today’s top talent. How are HR leaders approaching TRS to satisfy the array of needs between different generations? What challenges have they faced, and how are they planning to adapt over the next 12 months?

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    Compensation Strategy & Philosophy

    Finance Compensation Strategy & Philosophy: 2023 In today’s dynamic landscape for talent, defining a balanced compensation philosophy and crafting an effective rewards strategy is a critical mission for CFOs. What are the strategic considerations finance leaders are working through, and how are upcoming pay disclosure regulations influencing their decision making?

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    How are B2B marketers building successful brand campaigns?

    To facilitate long term success, it’s critical for organizations to manage their brand’s image and awareness. Building a B2B brand that creates trust and drives sales is challenging, but not impossible. How are B2B marketers creating winning brand campaigns? What channels and content do they turn to, and how do they appeal to their target audiences?

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  22. 63e274ee6c9d54000148bed6-KZWZuaFr

    Environmental Supply Chain Sustainability: Tactics, Benefits and Barriers

    As sustainability moves from buzzword to brand requirement, how are leaders building more environmentally sustainable supply chains, and what barriers are they facing?

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    The State of DEI Across Organizations

    The state of DEI strategy across organizations Diversity, equity and inclusion is top of mind for HR teams and leaders today. Diversified talent ensures top minds from every walk of life can contribute to your organization’s mission and culture. Equitable and inclusive policies and opportunities encourage employee retention, and boost team morale. What is the state of DEI strategy across organizations today, and how are DEI strategies impacting real organizational diversity overall?

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  24. large-photo-map-02

    Current Landscape of Product Management

    As organizations strive for innovation, eiciency, and customer-centricity, the role of product managers has become more prominent than ever before. What are the current strategies, trends, challenges and opportunities that shape the product manager role?

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    2023: State of Go-to-Market Strategies

    Crafting an effective go-to-market (GTM) strategy can make or break the success of a product or new line of business. Determining the correct product positioning, building customer profiles and assessing the competitive landscape are critical components to identifying the correct path to market. What is the state of current go-to-market strategies and are organizations making any strategic shifts in 2023?

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  26. How to develop top customer journeys using VoC data

    Voice of the customer (VoC) data is of critical importance to marketing strategy. Keeping a pulse on how customers feel, and ensuring negative customer experiences are addressed, is critical to creating winning experiences. To do so, marketers rely on customer surveys, social listening and ratings platforms to help track consumer sentiment and drive customer satisfaction. How are marketing teams applying VoC data in their marketing strategies, and what emerging technologies are shaping the future of VoC strategy?

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  27. Design-Led Engineering

    Design-Led Engineering

    What function does design-led engineering serve in modern software organizations, and what are the benefits and challenges of adopting it? Find out.

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    Brand management: Addressing changes in customer behavior resulting from economic uncertainty

    Addressing changes in customer behavior resulting from economic uncertainty Marketers are constantly assessing the state of their target market and consumer behaviors in order to most effectively position their brands for success. The current economic climate has left some marketers concerned about changes to consumer behavior and spending, and many report their organizations have already enacted changes to strategy to ensure long term success. How are marketers addressing changes in consumer behavior?

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  29. 641991447ed378000111d407-H7RuHKCB

    Change Management for Data and Analytics

    As the role and importance of data and analytics (D&A) evolves, leaders must implement changes to their D&A function. How do they manage resistance to change and avoid common pitfalls when implementing D&A change initiatives?

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    Change Management in Data and Analytics

    As the role and importance of data and analytics (D&A) evolves, leaders must implement changes to their D&A function. How do they manage resistance to change and avoid common pitfalls when implementing D&A change initiatives?

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    Measuring Sales Effectiveness

    Sales organizations invest in sales enablement and sales operations to remain competitive, but how are they measuring the effectiveness of their teams and reps?

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    Developing an Agile Marketing Strategy

    Marketers, and marketing teams, are constantly searching for ways to improve their methods and gain a competitive advantage. Agile marketing, the use of data and analytics to continuously improve marketing functions, may be the solution many marketers are looking for. Who is leading the charge on agile marketing strategy development? What benefits do organizations anticipate from its implementation, and what challenges have marketing teams faced?

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    Sales Development Representatives and Pipeline Generation

    The frontline of outreach to potential new customers, Sales development representatives (SDRs) take on the pivotal role of helping turn leads into consistent revenue. How do sales professionals rate the effectiveness of the SDRs on their sales team? Where did the best ones come from, and what criteria determines their best leads?

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  34. Managing Burnout in IT: Insights from IT Leaders

    Managing Burnout In IT: Insights From IT Leaders

    IT professionals often work in demanding environments ripe for burnout. How prevalent is burnout, and how are IT leaders managing it on their teams?

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  35. Marops

    MarOps: Data governance strategy

    Ensuring the accuracy and privacy of marketing data is integral to the longevity and success of marketing teams. Leaders are under pressure to develop strategies that ensure compliance with data privacy regulations, while also ensuring that marketing data is accessible and accurate to the larger organization How are marketing leaders handling these nuances, and what challenges are they experiencing when executing their data governance strategies? One-Minute Insights on timely topics are available to Gartner Peer Community members. Sign up for access to over 100 more, and new insights each week.

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  36. 641447247ed3780001114ebe-5VWSVVyL

    CTOs as Effective Business Leaders

    What role does an effective CTO play in their organization, and which skills impact their success? Read on to find out.

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  37. 644994a52ccdb600011532b7-DiMDxZPj

    Security Behavior and Culture Programs: Adoption Strategies

    Security behavior and culture programs (SBCPs) offer a holistic approach to risk reduction. How are leaders using SBCPs to drive security consciousness and what progress have they made so far?

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  38. 644a7c171365f00001d79444-8yq9q5w8

    Inside Data and Analytics Leaders' Stakeholder Interactions

    For data and analytics leaders to make an impact, they need to have stakeholder support for their initiatives. Who are their key stakeholders and which stakeholders are most challenging to engage with?

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  39. How are marketing and HR teams collaborating on internal and external corporate messaging?

    Explore how marketing and HR professionals report their teams are collaborating on effective corporate communication strategy. How are these teams managing collaboration across internal and external communications, channel management and other messaging strategy? Learn where these teams are feeling most and least aligned, and benchmark your organization’s strategy against peers.

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  40. large-photo-chatbot

    Generative AI for Supply Chain: Usage, Expectations & Roadblocks

    With the potential for generative AI to transform supply chain operations, leaders are eager to explore its benefits. However, many roadblocks remain on the journey to implementation. Where do supply chain leaders say their organizations currently stand on adoption and use?

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  41. 64807cfe4398550001d6f3fe-Uxg4UnGZ

    Microservices Architecture: Have Engineering Organizations Found Success?

    Have software engineering and IT leaders found a way to leverage a microservices architecture for organizational success? Read on to find out.

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  42. 63ecd0eddcda7500013298ad-puuEGNpp

    MarOps: Making The Case For Marketing Operations

    Today’s marketing landscape is changing, and many organizations have developed marketing operations teams to help overcome new challenges and embrace new opportunities. Explore how organizations have overcome obstacles in the marketing operations team development process, and read more about the successes these organizations have achieved.

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  43. 6421adfe935a820001aa8b06-P9q7PLK9

    Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ): Adoption And Impacts

    How are organizations employing cyber risk quantification (CRQ) methods and tools, and what are the benefits so far? Discover the challenges and impacts of CRQ adoption identified by technology leaders.

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  44. 645b8db20bfb56000153673c-jO1IQzC6

    State of Vulnerability Management Programs in 2023

    Vulnerability management (VM) programs can help organizations achieve software supply chain security and cyber resilience. Do leaders consider their organization’s current VM program up to the task?

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    Automated Software Testing Adoption and Trends

    Automated software testing reduces human error and speeds up eicient delivery, but how integrated is it in modern software engineering organizations, and which trends stand to impact it? Find out.

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  46. 642290cbd4c92600015079da-MBuJMiSb

    Marketing through a crisis — insights from experienced marketing professionals

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    Marketing Team Performance Management

    Unlocking the full potential of your marketing team is essential for driving success and achieving organizational goals. Effective performance management is crucial to drive individual excellence among team members, and foster a collaborative, high-performing culture. How are marketing leaders across industries driving success across their teams? In this report, we explore actionable insights around how marketing leaders are using performance management systems to effectively manage and develop their teams.

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  48. large-GettyImages-469696282

    Change Management Strategy for Marketers

    Change management is an inescapable business truth, and that is no exception for marketing teams. In order to adapt to evolving market conditions, implement ever-changing marketing technologies and adapt to shifting customer expectations, marketers must be ready to adapt and change their strategies. What is the state of change management across marketing teams today? What perceived benefits are most expected, and what frustrations have marketers experienced adapting to change management?

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  49. large-GettyImages-1319893380

    Generative AI in Marketing

    Marketing teams around the world have embraced generative AI and integrated the technology into their marketing funnels. As a result of these high levels of adoption, many marketing leaders report improved speed to market and enhanced productivity. How are marketing teams using generative AI across their marketing tech stack? What benefits are they anticipating, and what barriers to entry are they facing, if any?

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  50. large-GettyImages-1135957665

    Managing Burnout During a Supply Chain Crisis

    Employee Burnout During a Supply Chain Crisis Over the past few years, supply chain organizations have weathered unprecedented challenges, intense workloads, tight deadlines and the constant pressure of an international spotlight. Unsurprisingly, these demanding – and unyielding – circumstances have caused many supply chain professionals to question their choice of career. So, just how widespread is employee burnout in supply chain organizations, and what are leaders doing to address it?

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  51. 63da467da0875f0001b99fc0-JcOQY2Ve

    Preparing For Shifting Data Privacy Laws: Data Leader Perspective

    The legal landscape of data privacy is becoming more complex as regions bring new and sometimes conflicting laws into effect. How are data leaders approaching new and changing data privacy laws at their organizations?

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    Sales Kickoffs in 2023

    Traditionally, sales kickoffs have been annual in-person events designed to energize, engage, and educate sales teams and set them up for success in the coming year. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many to transition to a virtual approach. Some have continued this, while others have reverted to in-person events. Whether virtual or in-person, what considerations are going into planning 2023 sales kickoffs?

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  53. Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.16.17

    Generative AI Tools in Sales

    Generative AI has gained significant attention and adoption recently as organizations and end users increasingly recognize the potential of this technology. Sales teams, in particular, are finding new and innovative ways to boost sales outcomes using these tools.

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    The Sales and Marketing Relationship in 2023

    Alignment between sales and marketing teams is crucial for business success, yet it remains a significant challenge for many organizations. Differing goals and priorities, communication breakdowns and lack of shared data and technology hurt teams and limit revenue growth. Where is this misalignment impacting revenue teams the most, and what strategies are most effective at integrating sales and marketing teams and growing revenue?

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  55. 63982f91232732000121e83a-Dvuy5zfr

    Engineering Team Communication & Collaboration

    Communication and collaboration help engineering teams work together effectively and efficiently. What strategies do tech leaders use to support effective communication and collaboration, and how successful are they in implementing them? Read on to find out.

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  56. 641c8d3fb4241100014d2634-L9Zm57Oz

    Generative AI for Software Engineering Teams

    Generative AI is trending in the tech world, but how are software engineering leaders making use of the tool? Which use cases are most promising, and which concerns are top of mind?

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    Blockchain for marketing

    Blockchain technology has the potential to transform marketing by providing more secure and transparent transactions, enhanced data privacy and offering new models for customer engagement and loyalty. In addition to exploring the reasons marketing teams have adopted blockchain technology, we examine their strategies, levels of implementation, and concerns with their rollouts. What are the applications, benefits, and concerns of blockchain as it applies to marketing? How are marketing professionals feeling about blockchain today?

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  58. 642193d021b48500010b9fc4-VIFsdTFv

    Generative AI for Synthetic Data

    Generative AI is currently in the spotlight with the release of ChatGPT, but it has already been making significant contributions to data and analytics (D&A) through synthetic data. This solution can help fill gaps in real-world data sources and even improve model outcomes. How are data and analytics professionals currently using synthetic data and what challenges do they face?

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  59. 64218e3c21b48500010b9e5f-jqOPNno7

    Generative AI Security and Risk Management Strategies

    With growing interest in generative AI tools and foundational models among organizations and individuals alike, IT and security leaders are challenged to mitigate the accompanying risks of this rapidly developing tech. Given the emergent nature and deep complexity of this area, what strategies are these leaders turning to so far?

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  60. genai adoption and use thumbnail

    Generative AI and ChatGPT: Adoption and Use

    With the potential for generative AI to transform business, technology leaders are eager to explore its benefits. The swift rise of ChatGPT further highlights its potential. Where do IT leaders say their organizations currently stand on adoption and use?

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  61. 636e48748c5a120001ef24a8-kiXBvfND

    Chief Data And Analytics Officer Role Evolution

    As the position of the data and analytics function evolves, so too does its senior-most leadership role. The chief data and analytics officer (CDAO) or equivalent role is primarily responsible for generating value through the organization’s data and analytics assets and ecosystem. What is impacting this role and how is it evolving?

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  62. Marketing Financial Planning: 2023 Benchmark Report

    Facing a variety of economic uncertainties, and heading into a potential recession, marketers are under pressure to adapt their financial plans and adjust to changing business priorities. Many plan to increase their budget throughout 2023, investing in new technology and content, but some are concerned about budget cuts. How does your marketing financial planning strategy for 2023 hold up against peers?

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  63. 63f26b804dee4b00010597e4-iELShxbB

    AI Governance Frameworks For Responsible AI

    AI poses unique challenges for governance that must be directly addressed to mitigate risks and take advantage of opportunities. How are organizations developing AI governance frameworks, and what benefits and challenges have they experienced around AI governance?

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  64. 637e0179f5b01300017b66e8-3Ox7UxMg

    Data and Analytics Operating Models

    An effective operating model is essential for data leaders to successfully implement their data and analytics (D&A) strategy. Are leaders satisfied with their D&A operating models and are these evolving as needs change?

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  65. 63526fc56d07420001fe942d-B8VwfKZM

    Advancing Data Literacy

    Data is everywhere, but if workers can’t read, work with and communicate that data, it creates little benefit. How are executives fostering these skills throughout the organization to improve data literacy?

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  66. 63c854e74d6a6200010681ef-rjtVJNpt

    DevSecOps: Strategies, Organizational Benefits and Challenges

    DevSecOps incorporates security best practices throughout software development as a way to speed up deployment while reducing risk. How prevalent is DevSecOps, and what are the top benefits and challenges associated with this approach?

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  67. 63510c7b74c2f90001403b30-HxX9J1xv

    Modern Security Operations Center (SOC) Strategies

    Modern security operations centers (SOCs) have the potential to protect organizations against an ever-evolving threat landscape through monitoring, detection and response capabilities, but organizational needs and limitations vary. How are leaders currently deploying and maturing modern SOCs?

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  68. 638f0214ce851a0001c144cb-yeKSfJof

    Technical Debt: Is It Necessary for On-Time Deployment?

    Technical debt can slow progress, but it’s often an unavoidable part of software development. Read on to learn how engineering leaders think about technical debt.

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  69. 63d4135a23b9e10001cfc8ef-fd40DUJw

    Software Engineering Performance Management

    Software engineering teams need to meet rigorous production metrics to stay competitive, but how do leaders measure and manage their employees’ performance?

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  70. 632b22ebd4c9260001a23b17-vtSFJIRx

    Chaos Engineering Adoption

    Chaos engineering tests the resilience of complex systems, but how many tech leaders have adopted it in their organizations? Read on to find out.

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  71. 63627cb418022100019c2d6f-ewNyFyFm

    Innovations in Security Awareness & Training

    Security awareness and training programs aim to address the human element in cybersecurity, making them a must-have for any organization as the threat of social engineering attacks persists. How are leaders innovating to improve training so that more employees think and act securely?

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  72. 639dd240a8ade50001f45140-d4Apdgfs

    Driving Cyber Maturity: Cybersecurity Program Management

    Cybersecurity program management helps IT and security leaders evaluate and improve their organization’s security posture to achieve cyber maturity. How are leaders implementing cybersecurity program management and what impacts have they seen so far?

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  73. 63a1603472f55b0001c4671e-LYM5yQNC

    Hyperautomation: Are You Automating Your Business?

    Hyperautomation allows for streamlined processes and decision making, but how successfully are tech leaders deploying it in their organizations? Read on to find out.

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  74. 629a056edcda750001709502-QFdvMBai

    Data Governance Software Deployment

    Data governance policies are becoming more common, and to maximize their effectiveness, organizations are seeking to pair these policies with software solutions. In a world of exponentially increasing data, governance applies to how data is gathered, stored, processed, and disposed of. How are organizations evaluating data governance software, and what features are they satisfied with?

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  75. 62dad083d549ee0001689766-dfiybr9g

    Team Management: Navigating Challenges

    Leadership must support their employees through difficult times. How do tech leaders help their reports navigate uncertainty and overcome challenges? Read on to find out.

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  76. 6273d81a68e09f00013a85e4-p09QaWmg

    Fostering Leadership in Tech

    Leaders own the strategy and execution behind any tech organization’s goals. How do today’s leaders share their knowledge and help the next generation develop their skills? Read on to find out.

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  77. 631f73fd62fb13000116adad-p33sLwMS

    Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA)

    Cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) offers a centralized approach to security operations and can help organizations cope with increasingly complex point solutions. What do IT and security leaders think of this emerging strategy so far?

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  78. IT Strategy

    IT strategy maps how technology will be used to support business goals and drive value. What are technology leaders doing to optimize and evolve their IT strategy?

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  79. 62db0b7ea2c8e30001f7b7bf-5b8LZfHQ

    Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

    Desktop as a service (DaaS) has been presented as the scalable and secure solution for an increasingly remote workforce. Is DaaS living up to the hype and advancing as needed?

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  80. 62f1475d13ca5100010be5bf-N3ISZMcd

    Green Cloud Computing

    As the cloud proliferates to accommodate increasing amounts of data, energy requirements are also rising. How important is the energy efficiency of cloud providers? Will green cloud computing help organizations meet their sustainability goals?

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  81. 62570b13b0e6c50001c7033e-LWaVadd9

    Building Digital Resilience

    Digital resilience is an organization’s ability to rapidly adapt to business disruption, while minimizing customer harm, reputational damage and financial loss. What is the state of digital resilience strategies?

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  82. 62418e2d2a445f000173b364-IvPbDr2d

    Single Sign-On (SSO): Advantages and Disadvantages

    Single sign-on (SSO) can improve both security and end-user experience by simplifying the login process. Have organizations realized these benefits, or do access challenges persist?

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  83. 62f1414b793e5c0001788f82-QzRXZjJR

    The CIO and CEO Relationship: CIO Perspective

    To ensure that technology and business are aligned, the CEO and CIO roles must work together. How are CIOs feeling about their business relationship and are these relationships changing?

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    Extended Reality (XR) in the Enterprise

    Extended Reality (XR) has yet to achieve widespread use in enterprise organizations. Is there a business case to be made for XR, and do enterprise tech leaders see a future for it? Read on to find out.

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  85. 627ab56268e09f00013ae64f-j0UbBuUq

    Data Governance Frameworks and Challenges

    As regulations evolve, data governance is becoming essential for proper data management and compliance. Have organizations established data governance frameworks and what challenges do they face in doing so?

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  86. 628dec102cfca1000126d68f-aGPrKPDA

    Omnicloud: The Future of Cloud Computing?

    Omnicloud computing is capable of connecting many different platforms virtually without the need for on-premises servers. For IT leaders, that addresses a key need for secure, scalable systems. Is omnicloud the future of cloud computing? Read on to find out.

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  87. 61a0d7e91000b50001ded3a0

    AIOps: Hype Or Practical I&O Solution?

    AIOps solutions have the potential to increase automation of and visibility into IT infrastructure and operations (I&O). How are leaders exploiting this technology to best drive ROI?

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  88. 62062e564c112a00018e6463-aUORoypQ

    The Future of Cybersecurity: Tools and Strategies

    The cyberthreat landscape is becoming increasingly complex and attackers are eager to take advantage of any digital vulnerability. How are decision makers using emergent strategies and tools to maintain effective cybersecurity?

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  89. 61fe43fccbe9660001b5c36f-tzXcJi2w

    Disaster Recovery Plans for IT

    In the midst of a crisis, what policies, tools, and procedures are IT leaders putting first to enable the recovery of vital business systems?

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    Hiring For Cybersecurity Roles

    At a time of heightened cybersecurity and amidst the “Great Resignation,” how are decision makers navigating hiring for cybersecurity roles?

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    Change Management Approaches And Outcomes

    Organizational change is inevitable, resulting from strategic shifts, digital transformation or mergers and acquisitions among other disruptive forces. Change management, the process of overseeing periods of change in terms of end users, workflows and service management, may impact how successfully the business navigates change. What are decision makers’ experiences of change management?

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    RPA Perceptions and Adoption

    RPA tools automate repetitive tasks by using “software robots” to perform business processes that would otherwise be undertaken by human employees. But have decision-makers chosen to adopt RPA tools yet?

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    AI Ethics in Business

    Decision-makers may look to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, that learn based on training datasets, and make predictions that can aect business outcomes, to achieve their business goals. However, debates around the potential impacts of such technologies on businesses and society continue. How are decision-makers, and their organization, approaching AI ethics?

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    AI in Cybersecurity

    Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are being used in a variety of tools—but are decision-makers adopting AI in cybersecurity?

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    Zero Trust Security Strategy Adoption

    Zero Trust is a concept of blanket skepticism when it comes to network access, even from internal users, requiring verification at all entry points and never assuming access privileges. But while Zero Trust is gaining momentum as a strategic ideal, rearchitecting the network to achieve Zero Trust might not be straightforward. After a year of distributed workforces and numerous headline-making cybersecurity incidents across industries, are decision-makers adopting a Zero Trust security strategy? Gartner Peer Insights surveyed over 200 digital decision-makers to understand: Levels of Zero Trust adoption, or timelines for implementation Perceived benefits of Zero Trust, as well as barriers to adoption Essential components for Zero Trust, and whether organizations have them in place

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