Client Story

Powering Corporate Strategy Through New Ways of Working

To enable their new corporate strategy and bolster for the future, Wellmark’s senior leadership team sought to evolve the organization's ways of working. Gartner Consulting conducted a thorough assessment to help the client identify key opportunities that will elevate strategic execution and empower employees to grow. We then worked side by side with the organization to kickstart the implementation of changes over the span of a year. This program will enable Wellmark’s business strategy through a multiyear journey, all while building a culture of value creation and acceleration.

Mission-critical priority

Wellmark wanted to implement new ways of working to enhance strategic execution, accelerate time to value, empower employee growth and adjust more quickly to ever-changing market and regulatory demands.

How Gartner helped

To help senior leadership identify and validate areas of opportunity, Gartner consultants conducted a holistic assessment of Wellmark's current capabilities. These efforts revealed a set of data-driven themes that will allow Wellmark to prioritize the right work first, improve efficiency and effectiveness, and deliver value faster.

To support implementation of the needed changes, Gartner Consulting designed a program that provides the foundation of success on this transformational journey. We focused on culture, change management, skills and talent, block funding, as well as agile and product ways of working.

Business impact

Wellmark created an outcome-focused multiyear program that will evolve its culture and day-to-day operations by empowering leaders and engaging employees:

  • Delivered agile and product training for approximately 30% of the impacted workforce; developed a library of training materials to share product and agile education for the remaining employees in 2024
  • Launched a utilization management product team that has optimized velocity averaging 18% higher throughout per sprint and has shortened lead time by ~60 days
  • Conducted an MVP pilot for Sales CRM that resulted in deprioritizing ~20% of features, avoiding the cost required to implement low-value features


Healthcare Payer







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